Kunst – www.romblog.at https://www.romblog.at Fri, 10 Apr 2020 13:58:05 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8.14 https://www.romblog.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/cropped-Logo-romblog512-32x32.png Kunst – www.romblog.at https://www.romblog.at 32 32 Alina Serban Speech – Tajsa Roma Cultural Heritage Prize https://www.romblog.at/2020/02/16/alina-serban-speech-tajsa-roma-cultural-heritage-prize/ https://www.romblog.at/2020/02/16/alina-serban-speech-tajsa-roma-cultural-heritage-prize/#respond Sun, 16 Feb 2020 15:11:19 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=3285 “ Meine eigene Geschichte zu erzählen wurde für mich zu einem Weg, Veränderung zu generieren…“-sagt Schauspielerin, Dramatikerin und Regisseurin Alina Serban, die im Dezember 2019 den ersten Tajsa Preis gewann. Der Tajsa-Preis, dotiert von der assoziierten Mitgliedschaft der European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture-ERIAC, würdigt ein herausragendes Roma-Individuum, dasRoma-Kunst und Kultur bereichert hat.


“Telling my own story became a way for me to generate change…” – actress, playwright and director Alina Serban, accepting the first Tajsa Prize in December 2019. The Tajsa Prize, endowed by the associate membership of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture – ERIAC, honors an outstanding Roma individual who has enriched Roma arts and culture.



Alina Serban (geboren 29. Oktober 1987) ist eine Roma Film- und Theaterschauspielerin und Schriftstellerin. Serban ist dafür bekannt, Theaterstücke mit Botschaften der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gegen Sexismus , Rassismus , Homophobie und verschiedene andere Formen der Diskriminierung zu schreiben und aufzuführen.


Alina Serban (born October 29, 1987) is a Roma film and theater actress and writer. Serban is known for writing and performing plays with social justice messages, against sexism, racism, homophobia and various other forms of discrimination.



Seht hier Alina Serbans Rede – see here Alina Serban´s speech

https://www.romblog.at/2020/02/16/alina-serban-speech-tajsa-roma-cultural-heritage-prize/feed/ 0
Sinti und Roma. Eine deutsche Geschichte https://www.romblog.at/2020/01/14/sinti-und-roma-eine-deutsche-geschichte/ https://www.romblog.at/2020/01/14/sinti-und-roma-eine-deutsche-geschichte/#respond Tue, 14 Jan 2020 12:14:55 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=3245 Als „Zigeuner“ beschimpft, verfolgt, von den Nazis ermordet und ausgegrenzt bis heute: „ZDF-History“ blickt anhand bewegender Schicksale auf die Geschichte der Sinti und Roma in Deutschland.


Sinti und Roma. Eine deutsche Geschichte ==> hier anschauen


Vor 75 Jahren leisteten sie im sogenannten Zigeunerlager von Auschwitz Widerstand gegen ihre drohende Vernichtung. Sie konnten sie aufschieben, aber nicht verhindern. In der Nacht zum 3. August 1944 wurden Sinti und Roma in den Gaskammern ermordet.

Dotschy Reinhardt erzählt als junge Vertreterin der großen Musikerdynastie Reinhardt vom Schicksal ihrer Familie. Rita Vowe-Trollmann erinnert an ihren Vater, den Boxer „Rukeli“, dem die Nazis den Meistertitel einfach aberkannten – wegen „undeutschen“ Boxens. Romani Rose berichtet von seinem Vater Oskar, der vergeblich beim Münchner Kardinal Faulhaber um Hilfe für sein Volk bat. Der Musiker Janko Lauenberger erinnert an seine Verwandte Erna. „Ede und Unku“ heißt das Buch über sie, das an den Schulen der DDR Pflichtlektüre war. Der Vater von Sängerin Marianne Rosenberg kämpfte im Mai 1944 mit im Aufstand gegen die SS. Er überlebte und hielt seine Tochter an, ihre Herkunft besser zu verschweigen.

Auszüge aus Interviews

Janko Lauenberger: „Als Kind habe ich überhaupt nicht erzählt, dass ich Sinto bin. Weil ich wusste, was sich dann in den Köpfen der Leute abspielt. Wenn sie dich fragen: ‚Warum bist du so dunkel, warum hast du schwarze Haare?‘ Und du sagst, du bist Sinto, dann wissen sie sowieso nicht, was das ist. Sagst du, du bist Zigeuner, dann verfallen die in so einen Gedankenrausch und man sieht so richtig, dass sie ihr Märchenbuch aufklappen.

Die Dokumentation zeigt auch, wie Sinti und Roma nach dem Krieg für Entschädigung und Anerkennung kämpften, und dass Antiziganismus noch immer weitverbreitet ist.

Source: zdf.de

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Ehrung für Rosa Gitta Martl https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/ehrung-fuer-rosa-gitta-martl/ https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/ehrung-fuer-rosa-gitta-martl/#respond Wed, 25 Sep 2019 12:37:20 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=3150 Deutschland: Verleihung des Kultur- und Ehrenpreises der Sinti und Roma in Ulm – Preise für Rosa Gitta Martl, Petra Pau und Andre­as Hoff­mann-Rich­ter

Der „Kultur- und Ehrenpreis der Sinti und Roma“ wird dieses Jahr am 20.9.2019 im Foyer des Rat­hauses Ulm um 11 Uhr im Rah­men des Rom­no-Po­wer-Fes­ti­vals ver­ge­ben. Gruß­wort u.a. des Ober­bürvger­meis­ters der Stadt Ulm, Gunter Czisch. Die Preis­träger 2019 sind:

  • Rosa Gitta Martl │ Für ihr kultu­rel­les En­gage­ment und lite­rari­sches Werk

Laudatio: Ilona Lagrene, Autorin, Bürgerrechtlerin, frühere Lan­des­vor­sitzen­de des Ver­bands Deut­scher Sinti und Roma, Landes­ver­band Ba­den-Württem­berg e.V.

Gitta Martl war Mitbegründerin und langjährige Geschäftsführerin des Vereins Ketani, der im Jahr 1998 ge­grün­det wurde und die Interes­sen der in Öster­reich le­ben­den Roma und Sinti ver­trat. „Ketani“ be­deutet „ge­mein­sam“ und ver­weist auf den Grund­satz des Vereins: Gemein­sam mit allen Bürger*in­nen Ös­ter­reichs die Wunden der Ver­gan­gen­heit zu be­wäl­ti­gen und für eine ge­mein­same, fried­liche Zukunft zu ar­beiten. Für ihren gro­ßen Einsatz für Roma und Sinti er­hielt sie be­reits den Elfrie­de-Grün­berg-Preis, den Mari­an­ne-von-Wil­le­mer-Preis, den De­mokratie­preis der Mar­ga­retha-Lupac-Stif­tung sowie 2013 das Gol­dene Ver­dienst­zeichen der Re­publik Österreich. Gitta Martl ist Autorin und er­hielt kürz­lich den Roma-Li­te­ratur­preis des öster­rei­chi­schen P.E.N.-Clubs.

  • Petra Pau │ Für ihren Einsatz für die gleich­be­rech­tig­te Teil­habe von Sinti und Ro­ma in Eu­ropa

Laudatio: Romeo Franz, MdEP

Petra Pau, Vizepräsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages, enga­giert sich seit vielen Jahren und Jahr­zehn­ten gegen Anti­ziganismus und für die Bürger­rechte von Sinti und Roma in Europa. Sie setzt und setzte sich ent­schieden für aktive Erin­nerung und Auf­arbei­tung des Völker­mords an den Sinti und Roma ein. Petra Pau hat in ihrem Engage­ment daran mit­ge­wirkt, den 2. August als Tag des Gedenkens an den Ge­nozid an den Sinti und Roma in der deut­schen Öffent­lich­keit fest zu ver­ankern.

  • Andreas Hoffmann-Richter │ Für sein lang­jäh­riges Engage­ment im Bereich Bildung

Laudatio: Wolfgang Mayer-Ernst, Studienleiter, Evangeli­sche Aka­de­mie Bad Boll

Pfarrer Dr. Andreas Hoffmann-Richter ist Beauftragter für die Zusam­men­arbeit mit Sinti und Roma der Evange­li­schen Landes­kirche in Württem­berg. In den 80er und 90er Jahren war er im Buraku-Be­freiungs­zentrum in Kyoto tätig. 1989 grün­dete er den Arbeits­kreis „Sinti/Roma und Kirchen“ in Ba­den-Württem­berg. Der Arbeits­kreis setzt sich dafür ein, Dis­krimi­nie­rung und Vorurteile all­gemein und ins­beson­dere gegen­über Sinti und Roma in der Gesell­schaft und auch in den Kirchen wahr­zu­nehmen, kennt­lich zu machen und zu über­winden. Beson­ders im Bildungs­bereich en­gagiert sich Dr. Andreas Hoff­mann-Rich­ter und be­treut Schul­projekte, er­stellt Lehr­materia­lien und er­forscht u.a. den reli­giö­sen Anti­ziganismus.

Hintergrundinformationen zum Kultur- und Ehrenpreis der Sinti und Roma

Der Preis wird seit 2014 jährlich (mit Ausnahme von 2018) vom Verband Deut­scher Sinti und Roma, Landes­ver­band Ba­den-Württem­berg für be­son­dere Ver­dienste in den Bereichen Kultur, Bildung und Bürger­rechte ver­geben. Die Preis­ver­leihung findet immer am Tag der ersten urkund­li­chen Erwäh­nung von Sinti und Roma in Deutschland statt: dem 20. Sep­tem­ber 1407 in Hildes­heim. Für mehr Infor­ma­tio­nen: sinti-roma.com

(Text: Landesverband Baden-Württemberg)


Source: dRoma

https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/ehrung-fuer-rosa-gitta-martl/feed/ 0
MOUSIE | Film trailer https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/mousie-film-trailer/ https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/mousie-film-trailer/#respond Wed, 25 Sep 2019 12:36:01 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=3148 Set in Berlin in 1936. As the Nazis sweep the streets clear of all Jewish and Romani Gypsy undesirables of „unclean blood“, prior to the Berlin Olympiad, so a small Roma child hides in a tatty old night-club awaiting her fate…

Written & Directed by David Bartlett
Produced by Will Poole
Photographed by Paul Kirsop
Edited by Duncan Moir
Original Music by Jack Arnold
First Assistant Matt Lawson

Starring: Sasha Watson-Lobo, CJ Johnson, Jack Bennett with Joshua Lay, Nichole Bird, Somi de Souza, Nigel Cooke, Robert Gill

© Kewhaven Pictures 2019


MOUSIE film trailer from David Bartlett director on Vimeo.

https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/mousie-film-trailer/feed/ 0
Making an activist https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/making-an-activist/ https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/making-an-activist/#respond Wed, 25 Sep 2019 12:33:16 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=3145
Davie Donaldson

This is the speech Davie Donaldson made at the 2019 Amnesty Scotland Festival Reception

‘Why did I become an activist?’ It’s a good question, and one that I was asked before speaking to an Amnesty International audience at the Edinburgh International Book Festival this week.

I began advocating for my community when I was 15, when my pals were playing football – I was in council meetings, when my cousins were talking to girls… I was talking to eviction officers and when my friends were partying – I was making speeches.

My activist journey started early, so maybe I can answer the question by describing what it’s like to grow up as a Scottish Traveller:

Your family have to live on the edge of society, in places built on disused middens, where the ‚air is choking with the smell of rats‘, open septic units and crumbling toilet blocks, your family are forced to feel forgotten.

At school you’re told that your education is a waste of resources, because you’ll never amount to anything anyway. What you’re taught misses out your communities’ culture and your contributions to history are omitted. You’re belittled in the playground with slurs like ‘pikey’, ‘tink’, ‘mink’ and ‘gypo’. Nobody wants to play with you.

After school you go shopping with your mum and are followed around by security, seen as a thief based only on your ethnicity. You can’t enter some shops, bars and restaurants – because they have signs banning Gypsies and Travellers.

In the news politicians describe your community as a ‘plague’, a burden that needs ‘getting rid of’ and call for tougher enforcement against your culture if given the power. Whilst on social media people comment things like ‘Hitler had the right idea’ and describe your community as leeches on society.

When you go home and you’re outside painting, a man pulls up and tries to run you over as he screams out abuse. His hatred for your people, causing him to hate you – despite the fact you’re only 8.

This won’t be the last time you’re threatened, go forward a few years and you’re on a train. A different man, a different city, he threatens to shoot you; describing children from your community as scum who don’t deserve to live. Nobody comes to help you, the train carriage stays quiet, the police describe him as having ‘outdated values and not to pay attention’.

If you don’t try and hide your ethnicity you’ll struggle to gain employment or to rent a property. Oh, and the police will stop and search you more as well.

Statistics show that your community experience the worst inequalities on every measure the state has. Experiencing higher rates of depression, higher levels of suicide, higher infant mortality and you’re expected to live at least 10 years less than the national average.

And you know of course, that statistics are only half the story, they don’t show the mother who in winter was evicted from her camp the day before Christmas – forced to stay in a motorway layby with her young children – because a local believed her children playing was ‘an eyesore’ for dog-walkers.

The statistics don’t mention the ambulance that refused to help that old man who had collapsed.

Nor when your family were being attacked by rocks during the night – and when you called the police they laughed and hung up the phone.

When the time comes for you to pass on, your family will struggle to book a venue for your wake; but don’t worry because there’ll surely be a headline about your death – something along the lines of ‘Big Fat Gypsy Funeral takes place’. And, remember and count yourself lucky, because your great grandparents weren’t even allowed to be buried in the kirkyard…

So, let me ask, why did you or why would you become an activist?

I didn’t choose to be born a Traveller; but being born one meant growing up in a society that forced me to fight for my very existence.

Alice Walker once said, ‘activism is the rent we pay for living on this planet’ – I’ve found this rent can be expensive and involves many personal sacrifices, but to me it pays toward something bigger, a social change that I will be proud of in old age.

There is an old Gypsy saying – ‘The winter will ask what we did in the summer’ – I’ll be one of the people who can say:

 ‘I did something, I didn’t wait for someone to do it for me, nor did I stand by and watch as they suffered’

Will you be able to say the same?

https://www.romblog.at/2019/09/25/making-an-activist/feed/ 0
Wien | Buku Weinrich & Knebo Guttenberger am 25. September im Porgy & Bess https://www.romblog.at/2019/08/20/wien-buku-weinrich-knebo-guttenberger-am-25-september-im-porgy-bess/ https://www.romblog.at/2019/08/20/wien-buku-weinrich-knebo-guttenberger-am-25-september-im-porgy-bess/#respond Mon, 19 Aug 2019 22:18:59 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=3031 Wien | Buku Weinrich & Knebo Guttenberger am 25. September im Porgy & Bess

Tatsächlich ist es mittlerweile bereits fast ein Jahr her, dass der Weltklasse Jazzviolinist Zipflo Weinrich von uns ging. Seine Familie hält die musikalische Tradition weiter hoch und erfrischt die österreichische Musikszene mit den Kompositionen des Sohnes von Zipflo – Buku Weinrich.


Buku spielt seit seinem achten Lebensjahr Gitarre und lernte viel von seinem Großvater Joschi Weinrich. Später wurde aktiv in der Band seines Vaters Zipflo und arbeitet dadurch schon sehr früh mit Größen wie Stochelo Rosenberg, Philip Chaterine oder Karl Ratzer.

Großartiges Konzert mit Stargast Knebo Guttenberger

Letzte Woche trat Buku mit seiner eigenen Band auf – dem dem Buku Weinrich Quartett. Zu diesem besonderen Konzert vor dem Rathaus in Korneuburg wurde Stargast Knebo Guttenberger als Lead-Sänger präsentiert. Dieser swingt und jazzt ganz in der Tradition von Frank Sinatra, Michael Buble oder Roger Cicero.

Hier in das Konzert reinhören + Gruss von Knebo Guttenberger



Diese besondere Kooperation kann man am 25. September 2019 im Wiener Porgy & Bess noch einmal live erleben, denn anlässlich des ersten Todestages der Jazzvioline-Ikone Zipflo Weinrich wird dort eine sehr persönliche musikalische Hommage mit Freunden wie zB. Tini Kainrath gespielt.

Veranstaltungshinweis: Mittwoch, 25. September 2019 | 20:30 @Porgy & Bess, 1010 Wien
Zipflo Weinrich Gipsy Swing / Zipflo Weinrich Jazz Funk Group (A/F/I)
Tini Kainrath, Knebo Guttenberger: vocals
William Lecomte: piano
Hans Zinkl, Buku Weinrich: guitar
Karl Sayer, Milan Nikolic: bass
Manu Maze: accordion
Heimo Wiederhofer: drums
https://www.romblog.at/2019/08/20/wien-buku-weinrich-knebo-guttenberger-am-25-september-im-porgy-bess/feed/ 0
International Roma Heroes Theatre Festival https://www.romblog.at/2019/08/13/international-roma-heroes-theatre-festival/ https://www.romblog.at/2019/08/13/international-roma-heroes-theatre-festival/#respond Tue, 13 Aug 2019 17:20:20 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=2987


Independent Theater Hungary organizes the third Roma Heroes International Theatre Festival this year, between 24th August and 15th September, presenting Roma companies and their plays from several European countries. The shows take place in Eötvös 10 Theatre and in Vallai kert, RS9 Theatre.

In the past two years (2017 and 2018) we invited monodramas and storytelling performances to Hungary. The festival keeps growing and in 2019, the audience can get to know Roma chamber theatre plays. Our goal is to show the diversity of Roma theatre, also presenting different genres and topics. The artists tell stories from Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary about the past and present of Gypsy communities, showing their everyday challenges related to education, health care, migration, integration and assimilation. „So far, the plays presented the viewpoint of one hero, but this year, different points of views and the diverse relations of Roma and non-Roma communities will be in the spotlight“, said Rodrigó Balogh, artistic director of the theatre and the festival.

The plays are performed with English subtitles and Hungarian interpreting, so they are accessible for Hungarian and foreign audience as well.

In August 2019, two plays present the active youth.

Both plays star youngsters who draw attention to the challenges and active engagement of the new generation.

Sokheren amenca! /Forever Holiday!

The coproduction of Gorki Studio in Berlin and Romano Svato company in Vienna is based on the real life story of the Yugoslavian sisters who were born in Germany but got recently deported from there, with the help of professional actors and youngsters.

Hungarian premiere: 24th August 2019, 6 p.m., Eötvös10 Közösségi és Kulturális Színtér

Audience discussion with the artists after the show.

Photo: Nihad Nino Pušija, from the play ‚Forever Holiday!



The play „Shoddies“ by Independent Theater Hungary also put youngsters on the stage to show the insane health care system, their own traumas and prejudices, and to ask themselves as well as the spectators what we can do – instead of complaining – to improve this situation.

Public rehearsal: 23rd August 2019, 6 p.m., RS9 Theatre, Vallai kert


Premiere: 25th August 2019, 6 p.m., RS9 Theatre, Vallai kert


Audience discussion with the artists after the show.

Photo: Alina Vincze, The „Shoddies“


In September 2019, two plays discuss the deadly challenges of the community.

While one play evokes history, the other explores the circumstances of a young girl’s death.


The festival continues in September with the Czech ARA Art company, evoking Roma history in a new form, building on the elements of circus arts. The storytelling of the old Roma women guides us through the fate and past of the community, starting with the origin legend of Gypsy people, through modern history and Holocaust till the assimilation efforts of the socialist regime. Even though the story presents a Czech perspective, it raises topics and issues that are important for Roma communities in Hungary as well.

Hungarian premiere: 14th September 2019, 6 p.m., Eötvös10 Közösségi és Kulturális Színtér

Audience discussion with the artists after the show.

Photo: Jan Mihalicek, from the play Pindral

Who killed Szomna Grancsa?

Giuvlipen company from Bucharest tells the story of a young Roma girl who would like to keep studying but neither her family nor her school supports her. The play is based on a real story and presents the struggle of the girl from various perspectives, raising the validity of different approaches and at the same time pointing out collective responsibility that no one can escape.

Hungarian premiere: 15th September 2019, 6 p.m., RS9 Theatre, Vallai kert

Audience discussion with the artists after the show.

Source: Giuvlipen Theater Company


If you would like to book your ticket, contact us at [email protected]!

Roma Heroes International Theatre Festival is the one and only international theatre meetup in the world for Roma theatres which aims to bring together the minority and the majority, and strengthen Roma communities by showing the values and challenges of Roma theatre and communities.


Source: https://independenttheater.blogspot.com
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Simonida Selimovic | Showreel 2019 https://www.romblog.at/2019/07/24/simonida-selimovic-showreel-2019/ https://www.romblog.at/2019/07/24/simonida-selimovic-showreel-2019/#respond Wed, 24 Jul 2019 10:23:51 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=2944

Showreel 2019 Simonida Selimovic from Simonida on Vimeo.

https://www.romblog.at/2019/07/24/simonida-selimovic-showreel-2019/feed/ 0
RIAH 13/06/2019 : ‘GYPSY REPORTS AND SONGS FROM BREXITLAND’ WITH DAMIAN LE BAS https://www.romblog.at/2019/06/17/riah-13062019-gypsy-reports-and-songs-from-brexitland-with-damian-le-bas/ https://www.romblog.at/2019/06/17/riah-13062019-gypsy-reports-and-songs-from-brexitland-with-damian-le-bas/#respond Mon, 17 Jun 2019 12:20:02 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=2864 As part of the celebrations for this years Roma Day, organised by RomaTrial, I had the opportunity to perform with the renowned British Romani author Damian Le Bas in ‘Gypsy Reports And Songs From Brexitland’ at the Maxim Gorki’s Studio R. Piecing together the right music for this event was really important to me as I wanted to compliment Damian’s readings while contributing to the larger narrative of the evening with the music. A few weeks before Damian and I started to email back and forth passages of text and song choices, slowly forming an image that reflected our joint experience as British Romanichals.


(c) Patricia Knight




Brexit has made me get in touch with my Britishness; before it was always something I negated because of being a Romani too, its like I had a get out clause to not have to subscribe to the British cultural norms or collective identity, while at the same time benefiting from and being a part of them. The problems of British identity were not my problems, because I had my own racial identity to battle for. A big part of that identity for me was always music and song; it was a cultural touchstone that where I came from was somewhere different. I remember in ‘Show and Tell’ at school performing Atch Along Mi Chavio in the British Romani creole Poggidi Jib. I was always proud to feel like we had something else.

As the British Romani musical tradition is largely an oral one, Damian and I both knew Atch Along’s melody but going by different names and with different lyrics. Damian supposed the two halves had been separated somewhere throughout history, and when I started to put them together sure enough a narrative emerged. That’s how we ended up playing the so called Atch Along/ Kushti Romanes Mash Upand as a last minute addition- first rehearsed in the soundcheck- Damian accompanied with the spoons.






Recently I was asked in an interview how I felt about having restricted freedom of movement after Brexit and I realized that that question resonated quite differently with me, coming from the background of a people whose freedom to move, culture, and consequently traditional way of life, has been systematically eroded in the aim of creating an assimilated British population. So, this current state of frenzy where the British population are panicked and indignant about new restrictions on their movement, restrictions which the majority of the population actually voted for, seems somehow ironic. On the other hand, I am also equally one of those panicked and indignant people that didn’t vote for Brexit. Such is the nature of being biracial.As the night at Studio R focused not only on our perspective as Romani’s, but also as Europeans soon to be Brexited from Europe, I wanted to also comment on my personal response to Brexit and the actions of the UK Government.

A song I had written came to mind because of how rooted it was in the place it occurred, which made me think more largely about the context of the evening in relation to the significance of place; our place in Europe as ex Europeans, as our place in Britain as Romani people, and our place in the world as a newly confused combination of those two things. For me Brexit was really a feeling of loss, of a loss of place, and that feeling is not new among the Gypsies. The song was called The Things I Lost On Gloucester Street, and it’s about the loss of love.

(c)Nihad Nino Pušija-RomaTrial

A song I didn’t play, and will maybe always wish I did, is a song called Night By Name which I wrote when I was sixteen about my Romani uncle, Chris Knight. A poet and artist, who in his youth used to go and sleep up on the common in Kent in his big green overcoat when he wanted some peace. He always smelled of woodsmoke and red wine, with tobacco and rizla and poems seeping out of his pockets. As a child my best friend and I spent many nights out in the crisp starlit evenings, while an old door was put down and her mum would dance flamenco, her skirts merging with the fires flames, as my uncle played harmonica and sang the blues in his life worn voice. Wine was always spilled and it was always too late for a school night and we would be huddle warm together, small spectators of this adults world. My uncle taught me most of the Romani I know, and also how to swing a good left hook by the age of 8. For me the song felt like the most intimate way I could communicate what it felt like to be a Romani child growing up in Brexitland. The week of the concert my uncle died very suddenly, and much too young, as seems to be the fate of many a good Gypsy man. So in order to keep it together, I decided not to perform the song at the concert.

I finished my part of the evening with a song called 9 Lives, originally about a group of cocaine snorting fashionistas, whose attitude to life somehow reminds me of the shortsightedness of our British government right now.



https://www.romblog.at/2019/06/17/riah-13062019-gypsy-reports-and-songs-from-brexitland-with-damian-le-bas/feed/ 0
ORF TvThek | Volksgruppen | Servus Szia Zdravo Del tuha https://www.romblog.at/2019/06/17/orf-tvthek-volksgruppen-servus-szia-zdravo-del-tuha/ https://www.romblog.at/2019/06/17/orf-tvthek-volksgruppen-servus-szia-zdravo-del-tuha/#respond Mon, 17 Jun 2019 12:14:11 +0000 https://www.romblog.at/?p=2860

Stefan Pišti Horvath | Das historische Zymbal kehrt in die Heimat zurück

11. Baranka Park Gedenkfeier

PEN Club Literaturpreis an Gitta Martl

Denkmal gegen Vergessen | KZ Opfer in Ritzing

Der (un)sichtbare Ton trägt die Identität | Ioana Spataru

Verabschiedung; Schlussfilm „Die Seidenstraße“


Ganze Sendung ==> hier



https://www.romblog.at/2019/06/17/orf-tvthek-volksgruppen-servus-szia-zdravo-del-tuha/feed/ 0